Between loss, poverty and deprivation. The war that has taken its toll on the orphans of Gaza has increased their daily suffering after the loss of their parents ( one or both ) for more than a year this is the impact of the war that has taken place against them
By donating to the Our Hearts campaign for the orphan’s of Gaza, you are contributing to supporting a child who lives the daily ravages of the war in Gaza
With your donations you are securing a child’s future and drawing a smile on the face of a child which is one of Allahs/ God’s best deeds. Spreading hope in a heart that trembles in fear of a bleak future.
Our children in Gaza, especially in the North are in desperate need of someone to take care of them they have lived in misery and lived with the bitterness of deprivation and the ongoing torment of the war.
They live in fear, are hungry and lack basic essential food like fruits and vegetables necessary for growth including the lack of a robust educational and health system.
Our Hearts Campaign for Gaza Orphans is a noble humanitarian initiative that aims to sponsor 400 orphans registered with Souls of Souls Association for Relief and Development in Gaza based in the North where we aim to provide financial sponsorship of $100 per month to help them.
Sponsoring orphans is one of the greatest openings for charity that makes a person a symbol of giving and gives the donor inner peace.
Objective’s of “Our Hearts for the Orphans of Gaza” campaign
Sponsoring 400 orphans registered with the association
Providing financial sponsorship of $100 per month for each orphan to meet their basic needs to ensure a decent future for them.
Ensuring the continuity of their education and building a bright future for them.
Improving the psychological and social circumstances and ensuring that they are continuously financially secure
Enhancing solidarity and sympathy between
donors and orphans from Gaza by opening the door to sponsorship and humanitarian contributions.
How to contribute to the campaign:
The “Our Hearts for the Orphans of Gaza” campaign provides a list of names, photos, and data of the orphan (a complete administrative file for the child) for ease of communication and selection by the donor of one of the orphans.
Provide flexible mechanisms for donors wishing to sponsor orphans by providing a link to donate through an international humanitarian platform.
The campaign will run on a monthly and permanent basis and donations can be made through the campaign link on the global Ensany platform and on the dedicated donation button.
Where do your donations go to the Our Hearts for Gaza Orphans campaign:
It goes directly to the orphan or the orphan's legal guardian at a value of $100 per month or its equivalent in local currency without detracting from any administrative or operational expenses.
Can I communicate with the orphan?
donors have the opportunity to communicate with the orphans they sponsor, whether directly by phone or indirectly through recorded audio or video messages.
The donor can follow the daily file of the orphan’s biography and the developments in thier daily life accompanied by photos, videos, and what the orphan writes.
( all consent will be authorised by relevant guardian )
If you are interested in contributing or would like to know more about the campaign you can contact Soul of Souls Association for Relief and Development where we will be pleased to provide you with all the
details on how to provide support and participate in this humanitarian initiative.

20 Donors